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Please read through the Rules & FAQ before proceeding with the creation of your character. If you have a question not yet covered by our FAQ, feel free to post it in the server FAQ or DM us on twitter.

  1. Be respectful to the mods and fellow members. Communicate well and refrain from speaking over or excluding other members in conversations. 

  2. Refrain from involving the group in personal dramas. It is understandable that the conversation may escalate in the moment, but it is appreciated that you can take it to dms and resolve it between yourselves. Mod intervention will only come in if it affects the group. 

  3. In the event that you feel uncomfortable due to a situation on the server, please approach a mod through dms to relay the events. We will handle it from there. 

  4. Keep a separation between IC & OOC drama. 

  5. Please keep all NSFW content out of the server. There are no plans for a NSFW channel so it is appreciated that all content and topics within the server are kept PG-16.

  6. Avoid taboo, political or controversial subjects that may cause discomfort to fellow group members. 

  7. Discriminatory and insensitive content will not be tolerated. 

  8. Take just a couple of minutes to check in with our content warnings. They are not banned from mention, however do spoiler and include a c/w.

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